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Are you feeling emotional, down or depressed? If so your sacral chakra may not be operating at its optimum.

Each major chakra point needs to be energetic to be living your best life. However if one centre is under active or over active you may be out of balance.

To clear your emotions, cut ties with what is holding you back or to obtain that vibrancy again, you need to do the work. What is this work everyone keeps saying we need to do???

1. Its actually very simple! For any chakra point you can simply take your awareness to the area and breath new life and energy into it, using your loving attention and breath. Or if you are finding it tricky to connect with that chakra point you can also place your hand over the area helping you to create more focus on that particular centre. To enhance this, you can listen to frequencies that help activate and stabilise the chakra you are working with. Bellow is a link to a video that I do using crystal bowls.

2. For your sacral chakra swimming in a body of water, having a bath or taking a shower are all rituals for clearing and activating you sacral chakra. Use mindfulness meditation when doing this. What is mindfulness meditation? Being aware of why you are doing what and being present with the process. Really feeling into the sensations in your body, the feeling of the water pouring over you in the shower, the sound of the water, and even the smell. Yes all water smells very different, even crystals smell different! And if it's safe to do so, be aware of the taste of the water. I'm not saying to drink your bath water but you know what I mean😄

3. Eat vibrant bright orange foods like pumping, carrot, mango, orange, peachs.

By now after breathing life into your sacral centre (your lower abdomin) showering and eating vibrant happy foods, you should be feeling a little better.

Now we can move up into your Solar Plexus, above the naval. You are ready to take inspired action, from a place of calm. You will be so much more positively creative and super solution based.

1. Refer to number one for all chakra points. Awareness, breath & sound.

2. Move! Dance, run, swim anything.

And then lay in the sun🌞

3. Eat yellow food 🍍🍌 🌽 yellow capsicum, ginger and lemon.

By now you should be frigen happyand full of life😄

If not search deeper into the chakra meaning. Google it, dive right into it and take notes on what actions you are going to implement for a happier life. Maybe it's letting go of things that are causing you unnecessary pain or maybe it's a need to change it up, maybe it's simply a new healthier routine☀️

Updated: Mar 17, 2018

One of the greatest pleasures in life – but did you know cuddling is also one of our biological basic needs?

Psychologists are now saying cuddling is so important, It May Be Worth Paying For.

In fact, cuddling is now a professional form of therapy that reduces tension and anxiety and relieves stress and pain by boosting Oxytocin and reducing Cortisol. Yes, you can hire certified cuddle practitioners called “Cuddlists,” who are trained in non-sexual, therapeutic touch (and communicating consent, in case you were wondering).

Research by various professionals now shows that cuddling has several benefits.

Boost Happiness Hormones

…oxytocin helps human males act more affectionate and form closer social relationships.

1. Oxytocin – often called the “cuddle hormone” – is a neurotransmitter that acts on the limbic system, the brain’s emotional center, promoting feelings of contentment and reducing anxiety. Research from the University of California suggests that oxytocin helps human males act more affectionate and form closer social relationships.

2. According to Happiness Weekly, a full-body hug stimulates your nervous system while decreasing feelings of loneliness, combating fear, increasing self-esteem, defusing tension, and showing appreciation. At a meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society in Phoenix, it was reported that ”a brief hug and 10 minutes’ hand-holding with a romantic partner greatly reduce the harmful physical effects of stress.”

3. Extended and long hugs can increase the release of serotonin which eventually increases happiness and promotes a joyful mood. In his TED Talk, Neuroeconomist Paul Zak, recommends at least eight hugs a day to be happier and enjoy better relationships.

Soothe Anxiety and the Nervous System

4. According to the Daily Mail, hugs help us to balance the nervous system as well. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving or giving a hug can change the skin conductance. The effects in the moisture and electricity of the skin helps regulate the nervous system.

5. According to an experiment carried out by researcher Beate Ditzen, the release of oxytocin reduces cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that promotes pain and negativity in your body. The Huffington Post reported, “Stimulating touch receptors under the skin can lower blood pressure and cortisol levels, effectively reducing stress.” One study from the University of North Carolina found that women who hugged their spouse or partner frequently (even for just 20 seconds) had lower blood pressure.

The more you connect with others — on even the smallest physical level — the happier you’ll be.

6. Neurologist Shekar Raman, MD, said in the Huffington Post: “A hug, pat on the back, and even a friendly handshake are processed by the reward center in the central nervous system, which is why they can have a powerful impact on the human psyche, making us feel happiness and joy… And it doesn’t matter if you’re the toucher or touchee. The more you connect with others — on even the smallest physical level — the happier you’ll be

Strengthen Your Immune System

7. Thymus Gland – cuddling and hugging strengthens the immune system by stimulating the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.

8. A 10-second hug a day can lead to biochemical and physiological reactions in your body that can significantly improve your health. According to one study, this includes: Lower risk of heart disease, Stress reduction, Fight fatigue, Boost your immune system, Fight infections, Ease depression.

Get Better Sleep

9. Cuddling can help in reducing and even curing insomnia. People who have sleep disorders can be helped by a nurturing cuddle. Cuddling soothe your nervous points, relaxing them and giving you a good peaceful sleep.

Decrease Food Cravings

A loving hug at night can help decrease these cravings.

10. Cuddling can reduce late night cravings. Some people have a habit of attacking the refrigerator at night due to digestion problems. A loving hug at night can help decrease these cravings.

Kids Cuddle

We need twelve hugs a day for growth.

Virginia Satir, a psychotherapist, said “we need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.”

With all of that evidence piling up… it may be time to pull out all the stops to get the amount of cuddling you need to be healthy and happy.

Where are you getting your daily dose of cuddling?

February 24, 2016 Adam Lippin.

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